Learn How to Paint – FREE E-Book

Learn to Paint in One Day paint and sip

Almost all of our customers are novice acrylic painters. Most come to our paint and pour events, whether in-person or online, and they have never picked up a paintbrush. There is a certain thrill that is always exciting at the start of each of our paint and sip events. Some people are nervous, some people are excited, and some people are relaxed and ready to let go. Whatever type of person you are, our paint and wine classes are geared to make it as easy and relaxing of a process as possible.

Of course, there are always those overachievers out there that like to make sure they come into a new situation already comfortable with the process of what is to come. For those, I say bravo on being prepared! Here at Painting & Vino, we want to make sure our adult and family-friendly painting lessons are fun for everyone.

Enjoy our e-book, “Learn to Paint In One Day” FREE on us. You can read it before your first event or even after as a way to really ingrain the process of learning how to paint in acrylics.

To get your copy simply visit THIS PAGE to fill out your information.

Cheers and Happy Creating
Jessica Muylle
Team P&V